Friday, August 19, 2011

Why I'm Glad that Jeff Loven Does What He Does

Here are just some of the reasons why I am ecstatic that Jeff Loven is my college pastor. I encourage you to comment with your own reasons.
  • Jeff is not a Dodger's fan
  • Jeff is a Giants fan
  • Jeff listens to God and obeys Him.
  • Jeff allow himself to be used by God
  • Jeff uses words like, "word", and "mang".
  • Jeff is an awesome singer and guitarist, which means that when I run tech in Cafe, I get two hear him lead worship TWICE a week.
  • Jeff Brings donuts to intern meetings.
  • We get to hang out with Eve 
  • We get to play with baby Joey. Best distraction EVER!!!
  • Jeff is amazing at listening to me complain
  • Jeff is good at being silent when that is what is needed, and is good at speaking when God tells him to
  • Jeff is willing to love us by saying the truth even when it's hard, because it glorifies God and directs us towards God.
  • Jeff made me the first ever Schlepping intern in church history.
  • God uses Jeff to teach and edify us.
  • God uses Jeff to encourage us and remind us of God's love.
  • Jeff knows that loving people and helping them know God better is why he is here.
  • God uses Jeff to glorify Himself.
Jeff, Thanks for being our college pastor. We appreciate all that you do. Don't change, except for becoming more like Christ.