Sunday, April 29, 2012

Stealing That Which Is Already Freely Given

When we sin, we are trying to steal from God what He has already given us for free. However, we fail to hold on to it. We give into the lie that money, sex, popularity or things will bring us joy. It's not that these things are inherently evil, but we think that they are what will give us joy. Instead of joy we get death because these things were not meant to fulfill us in the first place. God is the one who fulfills us. God is the one who satisfies us.

John 10:10, "The thief [satan] comes only to steal and kill and destroy, but I [Jesus] came that they might have life and have it abundantly.

Stress, joy and The Kingdom of God

I am stressed. My stress does not seem to be going away, but it feels like God is giving me glimpses of what is important and through having a better perspective will come less stress and more joy.
"The chief end of man is to glorify god and enjoy him forever." As a christian I am here on this earth to be potent for God's kingdom.

When I am brought before the throne of God and I have to give an account for my life, when I am asked how i took advantage of the grace that i was given, what I did with every day that God blessed me with, what will I say? What will be important to me then? When I look back at high school I laugh and am a little ashamed at how much I worried about insignificant things. When I am in heaven, what will be significant to me? What will I just shake my head at? When I am before the throne of God my car, my degree, my house will not matter. My worldly accomplishments will not matter. All that will matter is how potent I was for the kingdom of God. Thus, that is all that should matter now.