Sunday, April 29, 2012

Stress, joy and The Kingdom of God

I am stressed. My stress does not seem to be going away, but it feels like God is giving me glimpses of what is important and through having a better perspective will come less stress and more joy.
"The chief end of man is to glorify god and enjoy him forever." As a christian I am here on this earth to be potent for God's kingdom.

When I am brought before the throne of God and I have to give an account for my life, when I am asked how i took advantage of the grace that i was given, what I did with every day that God blessed me with, what will I say? What will be important to me then? When I look back at high school I laugh and am a little ashamed at how much I worried about insignificant things. When I am in heaven, what will be significant to me? What will I just shake my head at? When I am before the throne of God my car, my degree, my house will not matter. My worldly accomplishments will not matter. All that will matter is how potent I was for the kingdom of God. Thus, that is all that should matter now.

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