Tuesday, May 3, 2011

Jesus and the Woman of Samaria

John 4:1-26 tells the story of Jesus having a conversation with a woman who not only was a Samaritan, but was an outcast among the Samaritans because of her lifestyle.

It seems like she believed that he was the Christ and chose to pursue Him as well as tell others about Him for two reasons.
  1. Jesus told her everything that she had done
  2. Jesus did not condemn her for anything that she had done.
I know that in my life, I choose to hide from God and not confess things to others because I have the mentality of, "If you knew what I did you would condemn me." and it seems like this is a huge thing that keeps people who haven't accepted Christ from approaching Him. It's really cool to see Jesus telling this woman everything that she had done and then show her that he does not condemn her. In fact, right after he tells her about her past and present relationships, Jesus tells her about true worship.
19 The woman said to him, “Sir, I perceive that you are a prophet.  20 Our fathers worshiped on this mountain, but you say that in Jerusalem is the place where people ought to worship.”  21 Jesus said to her, “Woman, believe me, the hour is coming when neither on this mountain nor in Jerusalem will you worship the Father.  22 You worship what you do not know; we worship what we know, for salvation is from the Jews.  23 But the hour is coming, and is now here, when the true worshipers will worship the Father in spirit and truth, for the Father is seeking such people to worship him.  24 God is spirit, and those who worship him must worship in spirit and truth.”
Jesus is inviting this Outcast Samaritan woman to come worship His father in spirit and truth. He is saying to her, "I know every nitty gritty detail of every sin that you have committed and not only do I not condemn you, but I invite you to worship my father with me." That truth is for everyone if they should choose to accept it. Why is it so hard for us to accept this? Why do people who haven't accepted Christ not accept this?

I would make the argument that our condemnation towards others is a huge reason for people not accepting Christ. This morning after I thought about this passage, I was amazed and appalled at how often I condemn people. I condemn people for:
  • Looking different than me
  • Accidentally interfering with what I am doing
  • Not slowing down to allow me to cross the street
  • Crossing the street in front of me
  • Being difficult to work with
  • ...
 I call myself a Christian. If I remember correctly, Christian was derogatory term meaning "little Christ" and was used to describe someone who believed that Jesus had died on the cross for their sins and were attempting to live like Him. And I am condemning people for these little inconveniences! If these people told me their deepest darkest secrets I would surely condemn them. If I am like Christ and I condemn like this, then Christ was a liar. At least, that is what I am saying when I wear my Christian t-shirt, all the while glaring at someone for cutting me off.

We have the opportunity and the blessing to be able to show others a glimpse of what Christ is like. If you have not accepted Jesus' death and resurrection for your sins, or even if you have, Jesus has this to say to you.
I know every nitty gritty detail of every sin that you have committed and not only do I not condemn you, but I invite you to worship my father with me. You are forgiven.


  1. Daniel! I didn't know your blogged, I really like your writing style. And thank you for this post, it's such an encouragement! To remember that we are forgiven and expected to forgive ourselves so that we may love people just like God loves us!

  2. Great stuff! I might have to steal and condense this and use it in worship! Is that cool?

  3. this is amazing! God is speaking through you! i really love the fact that it is a reminder not only to say we are Christians but to also walk as one... our whole goal in life is to become more like Him and it is all to easy to forget how imperfect we are. the great new of this is that He knows us and loves us anyways!!!

  4. Bree: I am glad that you are encouraged! I really enjoyed writing this. So far I have enjoyed blogging. We will see where it leads.

    Ben: Go ahead and use what you choose. I hope everything in Seattle is going well and that God is using you to glorify Him.

    Sam: I totally agree. I like the way you put that.
